What To Consider When Replacing A Septic System


Replacing a septic system is a significant investment and a crucial decision for homeowners. Septic systems play a vital role in managing household wastewater and ensuring environmental protection. When considering replacing a septic system, there are several factors to take into account to make an informed choice that meets your needs and complies with local regulations. In this blog, we will discuss the key considerations homeowners should keep in mind when replacing a septic system.

Assessment of Current System

Before replacing a septic system, it is essential to assess the condition and functionality of the existing system. An inspection by a qualified septic professional can provide valuable insights into the state of the system, including any damage, leaks, or malfunctions. The assessment will help determine whether repairs are feasible or if replacement is the best course of action. Additionally, the size and location of the current system will impact the design and installation of the new system, making an accurate assessment crucial in the decision-making process.

Local Regulations and Permits

Compliance with local regulations and obtaining the necessary permits are crucial when replacing a septic system. Each municipality has specific codes and requirements for septic system installation, ensuring public health and environmental safety. Before proceeding with a replacement, homeowners should consult with local authorities or septic professionals to understand the regulations governing septic systems in their area. Obtaining the required permits and approvals is essential to avoid legal issues and ensure the new system meets all regulatory standards.

Soil and Site Conditions

Soil and site conditions play a significant role in the design and performance of a septic system. Different soil types have varying abilities to absorb and treat wastewater, affecting the efficiency and longevity of the system. Conducting a soil analysis to determine soil permeability and absorption rates can help identify the most suitable type of septic system for the property. Additionally, site characteristics such as topography, groundwater levels, and proximity to water bodies should be considered when planning the replacement of a septic system to minimize environmental impact and ensure proper functionality.

System Design and Size

The design and size of the new septic system must be tailored to the household’s wastewater generation and usage patterns. The number of occupants, water usage, and the size of the property are factors that influence the type and capacity of the septic system required. A professional septic designer can assess these parameters and recommend a system that meets the property’s needs while adhering to regulatory guidelines. Proper system design is essential to ensure effective wastewater treatment and prevent overloading or premature system failure.

Technology and Innovation

Advancements in septic system technology offer homeowners a range of options for efficient and environmentally friendly wastewater management. When replacing a septic system, consider incorporating innovative technologies such as aerobic treatment units, drip irrigation systems, or advanced filtration systems. These technologies can enhance treatment efficiency, reduce maintenance requirements, and promote better environmental stewardship. Consulting with a knowledgeable septic professional can help homeowners explore the latest advancements in septic system technology and choose the best option for their property.

Installation Costs and Financing Options

Replacing a septic system involves significant costs, including excavation, equipment, materials, and labor. Homeowners should obtain multiple quotes from reputable septic contractors to compare pricing and services before selecting a provider. Additionally, exploring financing options such as loans, grants, or incentive programs can help mitigate the financial burden of septic system replacement. Some municipalities offer assistance or incentives for upgrading to more efficient and environmentally friendly septic systems, making it worthwhile to investigate potential funding opportunities.

Maintenance and Long-Term Care

Proper maintenance and regular inspection are essential for ensuring the longevity and performance of a septic system. When replacing a septic system, homeowners should establish a maintenance schedule and adhere to recommended practices to prevent issues and extend the system’s lifespan. Routine pumping, monitoring of water usage, and avoiding harmful substances can help protect the system and minimize the risk of failures. Educating yourself on septic system care and partnering with a reputable septic service provider for ongoing maintenance can safeguard your investment and prevent costly repairs down the road.


Replacing a septic system is a significant undertaking that requires careful consideration of various factors. By assessing the current system, understanding local regulations, evaluating soil and site conditions, designing an appropriate system, considering technology options, managing costs, and planning for long-term maintenance, homeowners can make informed decisions when replacing a septic system. Working with experienced septic professionals and staying proactive in system care can help ensure a successful replacement process and promote the efficient and sustainable management of household wastewater.

Need Septic Tank Services in Prior Lake, MN?

Since 1956, Mike’s Septic & McKinley Sewer Services has been providing the local area with an invaluable service. We are a family-owned and -operated company that takes pride in the work that we do and the relationships we build with our customers. We strive for perfection with each job we take and make sure our customers are always happy. At Mike’s Septic & McKinley Sewer Services, we specialize in everything septic. We handle anything from tank and system design to the actual installation. We do septic system and tank repairs, cleaning, pumping, and routine maintenance. We also do tank and system compliance inspections and certification. Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for you!

What Are Some Signs Of A Saturated Leach Field?


A septic system plays a crucial role in managing household wastewater and ensuring that it is disposed of safely. One key component of a septic system is the leach field, also known as a drain field, which helps to disperse effluent from the septic tank into the soil. Over time, however, a leach field can become saturated, leading to a range of issues that can compromise the efficiency and effectiveness of the entire septic system. In this blog, we will explore some signs of a saturated leach field and what steps can be taken to address the problem.

1. Slow Draining Fixtures

One of the most common signs of a saturated leach field is slow draining fixtures in the home. This includes sinks, showers, toilets, and other plumbing fixtures that take longer than usual to drain. When a leach field becomes saturated, it can no longer absorb and disperse effluent effectively, leading to backups and blockages in the system. If you notice that water is draining slowly from your fixtures, it may be a sign that your leach field is in need of attention.

2. Soggy or Saturated Ground

Another clear indicator of a saturated leach field is soggy or saturated ground around the area where the leach field is located. This may manifest as standing water, puddles, or damp soil that never seems to dry out. In some cases, you may even notice foul odors emanating from the area, indicating that effluent is not being properly dispersed into the soil. If you observe these signs, it is important to address the issue promptly to prevent further damage to your septic system.

3. Backup or Overflow in the Septic Tank

A saturated leach field can also cause backups or overflows in the septic tank itself. When effluent cannot properly drain from the tank into the leach field, it can result in a buildup of waste and sewage within the tank. This can lead to foul odors, sewage backups in the home, and potential damage to the tank and surrounding soil. If you experience backups or overflows in your septic tank, it may be a sign that your leach field is saturated and in need of maintenance.

4. Lush Vegetation Over the Leach Field

While it may seem counterintuitive, an overabundance of lush vegetation over the leach field can also be a sign of saturation. When a leach field is functioning properly, vegetation should be sparse and evenly distributed. However, when the soil is saturated with effluent, it can provide excess nutrients to plants, leading to rapid growth and a lush, green appearance. If you notice unusually healthy vegetation over your leach field, it may be a sign that the soil is not properly absorbing effluent and that the system requires attention.

5. Persistent Sewage Odors

One of the most unpleasant signs of a saturated leach field is the presence of persistent sewage odors in and around your property. When effluent is unable to properly drain from the septic tank into the leach field, it can result in the release of foul-smelling gases and odors. These odors may be noticeable both indoors and outdoors, indicating that there is a problem with the septic system that needs to be addressed. If you detect persistent sewage odors on your property, it is important to investigate the source and take corrective action as soon as possible.

Solutions to a Saturated Leach Field

If you suspect that your leach field is saturated, there are several steps that can be taken to address the issue. First, it is important to contact a professional septic system service provider to conduct an inspection and determine the extent of the problem. Depending on the severity of the saturation, the following solutions may be recommended:

1. Pumping the Septic Tank: In some cases, pumping the septic tank may help to alleviate pressure on the leach field and allow it to drain more effectively. This can help to temporarily relieve saturation and restore proper function to the system.

2. Aerating the Leach Field: Aerating the leach field involves introducing oxygen into the soil to promote the growth of beneficial bacteria and improve drainage. This can help to break down organic matter and alleviate saturation in the leach field.

3. Installing a New Leach Field: In cases of severe saturation or damage, it may be necessary to install a new leach field to ensure proper drainage and prevent future issues. A professional septic system service provider can help you determine the best course of action for your specific situation.


A saturated leach field can lead to a range of issues that can impact the overall effectiveness of your septic system. By recognizing the signs of saturation and taking prompt action to address the problem, you can help to prevent further damage and ensure the proper functioning of your septic system. If you suspect that your leach field is saturated, contact a professional septic system service provider for assistance in diagnosing the issue and implementing appropriate solutions.

Need Septic Tank Services in Prior Lake, MN?

Since 1956, Mike’s Septic & McKinley Sewer Services has been providing the local area with an invaluable service. We are a family-owned and -operated company that takes pride in the work that we do and the relationships we build with our customers. We strive for perfection with each job we take and make sure our customers are always happy. At Mike’s Septic & McKinley Sewer Services, we specialize in everything septic. We handle anything from tank and system design to the actual installation. We do septic system and tank repairs, cleaning, pumping, and routine maintenance. We also do tank and system compliance inspections and certification. Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for you!

What To Do When You Have A Septic Tank Emergency

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Septic tank emergencies can be stressful and inconvenient, but understanding how to respond and taking immediate action can help minimize damage, prevent health hazards, and save you from costly repairs. In this blog post, we will discuss the key steps to take when faced with a septic tank emergency.

1. Identify the Signs of a Septic Tank Emergency:

Recognizing the signs of a septic tank emergency is crucial. Symptoms may include foul odors, gurgling sounds coming from drains or toilets, slow draining sinks, toilets that won’t flush, or sewage backups. If you experience any of these warning signs, it’s important to act quickly to prevent further damage.

2. Prioritize Health and Safety:

During a septic tank emergency, the health and safety of you and your family should be your number one priority. Avoid contact with untreated sewage and hazardous waste materials. Keep children and pets away from the affected area and ensure that everyone washes their hands thoroughly to minimize the risk of contamination.

3. Shut Off Water and Electricity:

If you experience a septic tank emergency, it’s important to shut off the water supply to prevent additional sewage from entering the system. Locate the water shut-off valve near the septic tank and turn it off. Additionally, turning off the electricity in the affected area reduces the risk of electrical shock.

4. Avoid Additional Water Usage:

To minimize the stress on your septic system and prevent further damage, it’s crucial to refrain from using excess water during a septic tank emergency. Avoid doing laundry, taking showers, or using the dishwasher until the problem is resolved. Reducing water usage will help avoid overwhelming the septic tank and prevent additional backups.

5. Call a Professional Septic Tank Specialist:

While some minor septic tank issues may be resolved on your own, most emergencies require the expertise of a professional septic tank specialist. Time is of the essence, so contact a reputable septic tank professional as soon as possible. They will assess the situation, identify the cause of the emergency, and provide appropriate solutions to fix the problem.

6. Clear the Area:

While waiting for the septic tank specialist to arrive, it’s important to clear the area and remove any valuable or fragile items near the affected area. This will not only protect your belongings from potential damage but also allow the professional to work efficiently.

7. Take Preventive Measures:

Once the immediate emergency is resolved, it’s crucial to take preventive measures to avoid future septic tank problems. Regular septic tank maintenance, such as pumping and inspection, will help identify potential issues before they become emergencies. Avoid disposing of non-biodegradable items, grease, or excessive chemicals down your drains to prevent clogs and damage to the septic system.

8. Inform Your Insurance Provider:

In some cases, your homeowner’s insurance may cover repairs and damages caused by septic tank emergencies. Contact your insurance provider to understand your coverage and ensure that you follow any necessary procedures for filing a claim. Providing photos and documentation of the emergency can help streamline the process.


When faced with a septic tank emergency, it’s essential to act quickly and take immediate steps to minimize damage, ensure health and safety, and seek professional assistance. By recognizing the signs, shutting off water and electricity, and contacting a specialist, you can resolve the issue efficiently. Remember to prioritize preventive maintenance to avoid future emergencies and consult your insurance provider to understand your coverage.

Need Septic Tank Services in Prior Lake, MN?

Since 1956, Mike’s Septic & McKinley Sewer Services has been providing the local area with an invaluable service. We are a family-owned and -operated company that takes pride in the work that we do and the relationships we build with our customers. We strive for perfection with each job we take and make sure our customers are always happy. At Mike’s Septic & McKinley Sewer Services, we specialize in everything septic. We handle anything from tank and system design to the actual installation. We do septic system and tank repairs, cleaning, pumping, and routine maintenance. We also do tank and system compliance inspections and certification. Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for you!

Why Is Regular Septic Maintenance Important In Minnesota?


Regular septic maintenance is crucial for homeowners in Minnesota to ensure the proper functioning of their septic systems and avoid costly repairs or environmental hazards. Minnesota’s unique climate and topography present specific challenges for septic systems, making regular maintenance even more essential. In this blog post, we will explore why regular septic maintenance is important in Minnesota and the benefits it provides.

1. Extending the Lifespan of Your Septic System

One of the primary reasons for regular septic maintenance is to extend the lifespan of your septic system. Septic systems are designed to last for decades, but without proper maintenance, they can experience premature failure. Regular maintenance, including routine inspections, pumping, and cleaning, helps identify any potential issues early on and prevents larger problems from developing. By identifying and addressing small issues promptly, you can avoid costly repairs or even the need for a complete system replacement.

2. Ensuring Proper Functioning

Regular maintenance ensures the proper functioning of your septic system. Over time, solids accumulate in the septic tank, leading to a decrease in its capacity. If the tank becomes too full, solids can move into the drainfield, causing clogs and potentially damaging the system. Regular pumping removes accumulated solids, allowing the tank to operate at optimal capacity. Additionally, maintenance checks for any leaks or damaged components that could affect the overall performance of the system. Proper functioning of the septic system is essential for the efficient treatment and disposal of wastewater, preventing backups, odors, and contamination.

3. Protecting Water Quality

In Minnesota, many homes rely on septic systems, especially in rural areas where there is no access to municipal sewage treatment plants. Regular septic maintenance plays a vital role in protecting water quality. A well-maintained septic system effectively treats wastewater before it is released into the ground, minimizing the risk of contaminants reaching groundwater or surface water sources. This is particularly important in areas with vulnerable water supplies, such as those near lakes, rivers, or wells. Regular maintenance helps ensure that your septic system is operating properly and not posing a threat to the environment or public health.

4. Complying with Regulations

Minnesota, like many other states, has regulations and requirements in place for septic systems. These regulations aim to safeguard public health and protect the environment. Regular septic maintenance is often a requirement to comply with these regulations. By following the recommended maintenance schedule and keeping accurate records of service, homeowners can demonstrate compliance with applicable regulations. Failure to comply can result in penalties or fines, and in some cases, homeowners may be required to upgrade or repair their septic systems at their own expense.

5. Preventing Costly Repairs

Perhaps one of the most significant benefits of regular septic maintenance is the prevention of costly repairs. Promptly addressing minor issues during routine maintenance can help avoid more significant problems and the associated expenses. A small leak or a damaged component, if left untreated, can cause significant damage to the septic system, requiring extensive repairs or even replacement. By investing in regular maintenance, homeowners can save money in the long run by preventing major breakdowns and avoiding emergency repairs.


Regular septic maintenance is crucial for homeowners in Minnesota to ensure the proper functioning of their septic systems and prevent costly repairs or environmental hazards. By extending the lifespan of the system, ensuring its proper functioning, protecting water quality, complying with regulations, and preventing expensive repairs, regular maintenance provides numerous benefits. As a homeowner, it is essential to prioritize septic maintenance to safeguard your investment, the environment, and the health of your community.

Need Septic Tank Services in Prior Lake, MN?

Since 1956, Mike’s Septic & McKinley Sewer Services has been providing the local area with an invaluable service. We are a family-owned and -operated company that takes pride in the work that we do and the relationships we build with our customers. We strive for perfection with each job we take and make sure our customers are always happy. At Mike’s Septic & McKinley Sewer Services, we specialize in everything septic. We handle anything from tank and system design to the actual installation. We do septic system and tank repairs, cleaning, pumping, and routine maintenance. We also do tank and system compliance inspections and certification. Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for you!

How To Protect Your Septic Systems When The Temps Are Below Freezing And There Is No Snow


The freezing temperatures can pose a risk to septic systems, especially when there is no snow to provide insulation. A septic system that freezes can lead to costly repairs and inconveniences. To prevent this from happening, it is crucial to take certain precautions during the winter months. In this article, we will discuss some important steps you can take to protect your septic systems when temperatures drop below freezing and there is no snow.

Insulate the System

One of the most effective ways to protect your septic system during freezing temperatures is to insulate it. Start by insulating the septic tank itself using foam insulation or by wrapping it with blankets or other insulation materials. Ensure that all parts of the tank, including the lid and inlet/outlet pipes, are well covered. Additionally, consider insulating the pipes leading to and from the septic tank, including any exposed pipes above ground. This insulation will help prevent the pipes and tank from freezing.

Keep the Area Clear

Another crucial step is to keep the area around your septic system clear. Remove any snow, ice, or debris that may accumulate near the tank and pipes. This will help maintain proper airflow and ensure that the system doesn’t become trapped in a pocket of stagnant and frigid air. By keeping the area clear, you allow heat from the ground to reach the septic components, reducing the risk of freezing.

Add a Straw Insulation Layer

Another useful method to protect your septic system is by adding a layer of straw insulation on top of the tank and drain field. The straw acts as a natural insulator, retaining heat and preventing the soil and septic components from freezing. Spread a thick layer of straw over the tank and drain field, making sure all areas are well-covered. Remember to replace the straw with fresh layers periodically throughout the winter to maintain its insulation properties.

Use Heat Sources

In extreme cold conditions, it may be necessary to utilize heat sources to safeguard your septic system. One option is to use heat tape or cables specifically designed for pipes. These heating elements can be wrapped around exposed pipes and plugged into an electrical source to generate enough warmth to prevent freezing. Additionally, you can consider adding a heat source near the septic tank, such as a heat lamp or electric heater. However, exercise caution when using any electrical devices around the septic system to avoid potential hazards.

Conserve Water Usage

During freezing temperatures, it is essential to conserve water usage to prevent overloading the septic system. Reduced water flow helps to prevent excess stress on the system and minimizes the risk of freezing. Take shorter showers, space out laundry loads, and avoid running the dishwasher unnecessarily. By limiting your water usage, you decrease the amount of water entering the septic system, reducing the chances of freezing.

Schedule Regular Pumping

Regular septic system maintenance, including pumping, is vital to its proper functioning, especially during freezing temperatures. A well-maintained system is less likely to experience freezing issues. Schedule regular pumping to prevent excess accumulation of solids, which can lead to clogs and inhibiting proper drainage. A professional septic service provider can assess your system and recommend an appropriate pumping schedule based on your household’s needs.


Protecting your septic system during freezing temperatures when there is no snow requires taking proactive measures. Insulating the system, keeping the area clear, adding straw insulation, using heat sources, conserving water usage, and scheduling regular pumping are essential steps to ensure your septic system’s smooth operation throughout the winter months. By implementing these precautions, you can prevent costly repairs and maintain the longevity of your septic system even in cold weather conditions.

Need Septic Tank Services in Prior Lake, MN?

Since 1956, Mike’s Septic & McKinley Sewer Services has been providing the local area with an invaluable service. We are a family-owned and -operated company that takes pride in the work that we do and the relationships we build with our customers. We strive for perfection with each job we take and make sure our customers are always happy. At Mike’s Septic & McKinley Sewer Services, we specialize in everything septic. We handle anything from tank and system design to the actual installation. We do septic system and tank repairs, cleaning, pumping, and routine maintenance. We also do tank and system compliance inspections and certification. Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for you!